Cookies are useful for storing less data of frequently changed information on the client. When server wants the information Cookie keeps tracking of information.
-Cookie can expire when the browser session ends, or it can exist indefinitely on the client computer, It depends on the assigned expiration time of Cookies.
-No server resources are required.
-We can send secure data by encryption and decryption but need more coding.
-Simplicity The cookie is a lightweight, text-based structure with simple key-value pairs.
-Cookies are browser dependent, thereby limiting this functionality.
-Size limitations most browsers place a 4096-byte limit on the size of a cookie, but for few browsers support for 8192-byte.
Query Strings:
-A query string is information that is passed through the URL of a page.Query string can be used to submit data back to your page or to another page through the URL.
-No server resources are required the query string is contained in the HTTP request for a specific URL.
-Less code and easy way to pass information to different pages but not secured.
-Almost all browsers and client devices support using query strings to pass values.
-ASP.NET provides full support for the query-string method.
- Limitation for the length of browser URL is 2083-character limit.
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