How to Access and use Google api

Posted by Jayakumars under ASP.NET AJAX on 3/29/2013 | Points: 10 | Views : 1617 | Status : [Member] [MVP] | Replies : 1

How to Access and use Google api any one post sample source code or guide me.

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Posted by: Ankitsrist on: 3/30/2013 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

hello, i have used google custom search api in my app, you can use it by login through your mail account, it will automaticaly generate a unique key with some javascript code and you can simply copy paste it in your app...the code wolud something like
<%--<div><script type ="text/javascript">

(function() {
var cx = '004082:ctkapmi';
var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
gcse.async = true;
gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
'//' + cx;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);

Jayakumars, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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