how to add ajax dll into project in

Posted by Shanky11 under ASP.NET AJAX on 4/18/2013 | Points: 10 | Views : 10179 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 5
i m working on a project .first i created solution then add a new project in it

now i want to add ajax tool kit.for this i m just right clicking my project and adding a folder name bin but it shows that bin already exists.
when i go to windows explorer by right clik of solution there is already a bi folder
then i tried to just copy ajax tool kit files from another project bin folder
and pasted i;t over there but when i build this it shows error namspace not find
ajax directive is there .
what else i can do to overcome this pblm


Posted by: Raj.Trivedi on: 4/18/2013 [Member] [MVP] Starter | Points: 25

Hello Shanky

You cannot copy paste the Ajax Dll Files directly in the bin.

Here are the steps to add Ajax Control Tool KIT

Start -> Visual Studio -> New Website

Now first download the toolkit from

Then Unzip it into a Folder.

Go to the website and open the Toolbox

Right Click in the Empty area of the tool box and Select Add Tab and name it as Ajax Toolkit.

Now Expand the tab that we have created

Right Click in the area of the tab and select add components.

You will get a Dialog BOX of to add DLLS and EXE

Select the Browse tab and browse for the folder where you have unzipped the Ajax Tool Kit.

Select the Ajax dll and click OK.

Now Drag and Drop a Script manager on the page and then check your bin folder you will get the Ajax References.

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Posted by: Shanky11 on: 4/18/2013 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

this i had done's already in mytoolbox
i m asking how can i add ajax dll to my bin folder

Shanky11, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Raj.Trivedi on: 4/18/2013 [Member] [MVP] Starter | Points: 25

Hello Shanky

You dont have to add the Library in the bin folder bin folder.

When you drag and drop Script Manager it will automatically add it

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Posted by: Annaharris on: 4/18/2013 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Once you added the dll in your project, you need to add reference of that dll into the project.
Open your project then right click on add reference ->select ajax dll--> click ok to add.

Shanky11, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Snaveen on: 2/14/2014 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

If you want to add Ajax dll into your project then simply right click on your project then choose AddReference, if bin is already created the selected dll stored in that existing bin. If bin is not created then first it will create bin and store that dll into that location.

Shanky11, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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