i am doing the website with functionality of zooming
<a id="placeholder" runat="server" rel="zoom-width:600px; zoom-height:600px" class="MagicZoom">
<asp:Image ID="images" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="LightGray" runat="server" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='../Image/noimage2.png'" Width="250px" /></a>
on page loads
i am assigning the value like
this.images.ImageUrl = "../Image/temp/" + stylecode.Trim() + ".jpeg";
placeholder.HRef = "../Image/temp/" + style_code.Trim() +".jpeg";
on mouse over i am using the function like
string mainimgurl = "../Image/temp/" + style_code.Trim() + hdncolorcode.Value.Trim() + ".jpeg";
lblcolorname.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "javascript:setmainimgg('" + mainimgurl + "');");
and javascript function is
function setmainimgg(iiisd) {
document.getElementById(<%= images.ClientID %>).src = iiisd;
document.getElementById(<%= placeholder.ClientID %>).href = iiisd;
here images control value is changed it's shows the correct image. But the problem is href(anchor tag) value is not changing. if the value path changes means the zoom will work i can't assign the value for anchor tag.