Design Patterns are categorized into 3 types:
1. Creational patterns
2. Structural patterns
3. Behavioral patterns
1. Creational patterns
>>> Abstract Factory Pattern
>>> Factory Pattern
>>> Builder Pattern
>>> Lazy Pattern
>>> Prototype Pattern
>>> Singleton Pattern
2. Structural patterns
>>> Adapter Pattern - Interfaces of classes vary depending on the requirement.
>>> Bridge Pattern - Class level abstraction is separated from its implementation.
>>> Composite Pattern - Individual objects & a group of objects are treated similarly in this approach.
>>> Decorator Pattern - Functionality is assigned to an object.
>>> Facade Pattern - A common interface is created for a group of interfaces sharing a similarity.
>>> Flyweight Pattern - The concept of sharing a group of small sized objects.
>>> Proxy Pattern - When an object is complex and needs to be shared, its copies are made. These copies are called the proxy objects.
3. Behavioral patterns
>>> Chain Or Responsibilities Pattern - In this pattern, objects communicate with each other depending on logical decisions made by a class.
>>> Command Pattern - In this pattern, objects encapsulate methods and the parameters passed to them.
>>> Observer Pattern - Objects are created depending on an events results, for which there are event handlers created.
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