IEnumerable as Out Parameter [Resolved]

Posted by Sharpcnet under LINQ on 11/16/2013 | Points: 10 | Views : 3095 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 1
I'm trying to write a method, that would give, top 10 records and also total no. of records, from the table.
public void GetData(out IEnumerable<tblCountry> iList, out int rowCount)
iList = DBContext.tblCountries.Where(c=>c.Id > 0).Take(10);
rowCount = DBContext.tblCountries.Where(c=>c.Id > 0).Count();
But,I am unable to figure out how to call this function and access the output parameters
objDAL.GetData(//what should come here, out int rcount);
Is there a better approach.
using c#, entity framework


Posted by: Allemahesh on: 11/18/2013 [Member] [MVP] Silver | Points: 50


You can try this below one:-

IEnumerable<tblCountry> iList;
int rowCount;
objDAL.GetData(out iList, out rowCount);

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