Hi pals,am filling a combobox with items from a method on event select index changed but i get the error input string was not in correct format and it cannot populate the tectbox,
here is my code
protected void StudentNameCombobox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
ManageStudents manageStudents = new ManageStdents(WebUtility.GetConnectionString);
int StudentId =int.Parse(StudentNameCombobox.SelectedValue.ToString());
var query =manageStudents.GetStudentsByStudentId(studentId);
foreach (Students students in query)
Source3 nestudents = new Source3();
newStudents.student = (students.StydentId).ToString();
studentIdCombobox.DataTextField = "StudentId";
The combobox does not pick the students added by that particular studentId,,
Source3 is a class which contains newStudents by Get n set which is a string
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