How to inser text content of a webpage into the Database!

Posted by Coolbharat under ASP.NET on 1/28/2014 | Points: 10 | Views : 1162 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 1
I want to insert huge Text Content of a webpage into the Database.To do that i have a 'RichTextData' field in the table that has a 'nvarchar(max)' datatype.But the Text content of the paragraph contains paragraphs,special characters etc..After i insert this data then we need to retrieve this data to a richtextbox where the user can make necessary changes he needs which i can do.But how to insert this data first into the Database.Should i use a special page that has a RichTextEditor and copy the website's text content into this and save in the database.Or is there any other way to do it?

Thanks inadvance


Posted by: Snaveen on: 2/13/2014 [Member] Starter | Points: 25


Better to open one popup window and design that popup with textbox with multiline and 2 button controls.
Once data has been entered in textbox then click on save button, on clicking of save you just wrote insert statement and onclicking of close button yiou just close the popup and redirect page to parent wiondow, this is the best approach to do this..

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