hello,i am sort of new to SQL server mgmt studio...i installed the mgmt studio quite well..but i am unable to connect to the server..i get various errors..
i tried this method: Start => Control Pane => Open Administrative Tools => Data Sources (ODBC)
u get window with tabs
Go Tab - User DSN => Click on ADD => opened window => Create New Data Source => SQL Native Client or SQL Server => Finish
You find New Window Create New Data Source To SQL Server
Description = SQLEXPRESS
select Server or type the name of Server with correct path
Server = COMP1\SQLEXPRESS (your computer name \ SQLEXPRESS)
Click on Next => On next window you have choose Window or Server Authentication and click on Next
Now you have find new window with Change Default Database and Attach Database FileName, if you want to chand default db then click and change. go to Next
On next window you just click on Finish and see the Magic you have find your connectivity.
Test the Data Source
Microsoft SQL Native Client Version 09.00.1399
Running connectivity tests...
Attempting connection
Connection established
Verifying option settings
Disconnecting from server
this did happen only once,but when i tried it again it failed!
i am getting error number 26 and 87..
please help..i need it today only!