Internet Explorer Cannot display the WebPage - ReceiveTimeOut

Posted by Tripati.Patro under ASP.NET on 7/16/2014 | Points: 10 | Views : 1274 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 1

I am working on a application which run on Internet Explorer 9. I'm forming 3-4 MDX queries (ssas cubes) and running in my webpage. Query response time varies based on data and server load.

My problem is when the page response is taking more than 60 seconds time then page displays following error: "Internet Explorer Cannot display the WebPage ". Page is not idle but each query takes around 20 seconds. When this error comes it does not even goes to any catch block.

Few blogs/post says to avoid this error I need to increase the ReceiveTimeOut registry value on IE settings. Default ReceiveTimeOut value for IE 9 on windows 7 is 60 seconds and if I increase on my system then error is not coming. But I cannot set the ReceiveTimeout property to higher value for all users, as it is a public website.

Any help/suggestion is appreciated. Any direct or indirect solution would be helpful.

B.Tripati Patro
Oracle Certified Associate


Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 7/17/2014 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

In this type of scenario, the setting from client side hardly help the reason is already explained by you. The only thing you can do is to improve the performance of your server side code.

See if any other tips, tricks helps you to improve the performance of your application. Like

1. Database table optimization (indexes, CTE etc.)
2. ASP.NET Caching of output using Caching, Sessions etc.
3. Sending simple/compact data from server instead of complex data.
4. Using Light weight objects to retrieve data and only needed data from server.

Hope this would give some clue.


Sheo Narayan

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