how to pass multiple value parameter for a stored procedure? I have a screen, where the user can select multiple search selections they are about 15 of them. Based upon dynamic selected options,I need to show the results. Now the problem is :-
1. User may select any no of parameters eg only 2 out of 15 parameters. so the stored procedure should work with dynamic selection of parameters.
2. Instead of passing many parameters I want to pass only one parameters that will contain all the selected parameters.
There are various solutions on the web to pass a list of parameters as a single parameter. However that target to only one column eg. empIDs = "1,2,3,4,5" this will give details of all the employees whoes ids are in parameter passed. However in my case it should pass empid, date_of_join, Date_of_birth etc.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Kind regards