Online Interview Test

Posted by vishalneeraj-24503 under DotNetFunda.Com on 8/27/2014 | Points: 750 | Views : 1517 | Status : [Member] [MVP] | Replies : 1
Hello Webmaster,

I was again attempting Online Interview Test.Firstly,i attempted OOPs questions that had 12 questions.Once i attempted the last question.It's saying that At least 14 more questions to go to save result. But there is no more questions for OOPs category.And also,there is a Next Question button.When i click on it,nothing happens.
What does At least 14 more questions to go to save result this mean.And what is the purpose of Next Question Button,if there is no question pending to be attempted.Today,i also could not save report.What to do now.
Kindly suggests.


Posted by: Webmaster on: 8/28/2014 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Dear Vishal,

Thanks for letting us know about it. We have fixed this bug. Due to minimum limit of 25 questions to save the interview result, you were facing this issue.

Now, when you reach to the last question of that category and the last question is still not 25th (currently set as minimum no. of questions to appear in order to save the result); the Next and Save button disappears. Apart from this you would also get a message if you select category that has less than 25 questions.

Hope this should clarify the confusion that you were facing.

As a token of appreciation for letting us know about this issue, we have updated this post with 750 bonus points.

Thanks again.

Best regards,

vishalneeraj-24503, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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