After posting code redirecting to another page

Posted by vishalneeraj-24503 under DotNetFunda.Com on 10/9/2014 | Points: 10 | Views : 1661 | Status : [Member] [MVP] | Replies : 1
Hello Webmaster,
After posting any Codes,it's redirecting to another page,before it was on the same page i.e. Code page. I think it should be on the same page.As when posting to Interview questions,page does not redirect to another page.


Posted by: Webmaster on: 10/11/2014 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Dear Vishal,

Thanks for writing to us. This is not a bug but a default behavior that redirects to the Codes home page after successful code submission so that you can see the post live immediately after submission.

In the same way, when you edit/modify the code post; it redirects to list of the codes submitted by you page so that you can modify other posts if needed.

In the Interview section, after submission it remains on the same page as the new post goes to the moderator for review before coming to live on the website.

Please let us know if you have any other question.

Thanks again for contacting us about it.

Best regards,

vishalneeraj-24503, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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