C# camera SDK for motion detection

Posted by Curtcopeland under C# on 10/27/2014 | Points: 10 | Views : 4482 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 2
Hey everyone,

I'm in the middle of a huge IP camera development project (motion detection + streaming to SIP video call),
but the C# camera SDK (http://www.camera-sdk.com/), that I use, will expire within a few days.

Can anyone recommend me a good (and free) alternative for this SDK that supports ONVIF?

I really need your help, any suggestion would be appreciated!

Thanks a lot!


Posted by: Vuyiswamb on: 10/27/2014 [Member] [MVP] [Administrator] NotApplicable | Points: 25

i have never seen this, its exciting Tech, i am not sure there is any i know , unless you take the Kinect sensor and use a Protective cover to project it from the outside environment.

Thank you for posting at Dotnetfunda

Curtcopeland, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Joshuapcrowder on: 11/7/2014 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Hi, we had also used ozeki camera sdk and we had the same problem. But we realized that after uninstalling and reinstalling the ozeki camera sdk, the trial version can be used again for 20 days. For uninstalling, use the start menu \ programs and features menu of your windows operating system.

I cannot recommend u any other onvif camera sdk.

About how to forward Onvif IP camera stream to a SIP video call by using your own C#-based Windows Forms application, you can read under the following web page: http://www.camera-sdk.com/p_87-how-to-call-an-onvif-ip-camera-from-a-sip-video-phone-onvif.html.

About motion detection you can find a lot of guides under this http://www.camera-sdk.com/p_21-onvif-ip-camera-motion-detection-and-alarms-onvif.html.

Curtcopeland, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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