Here is the code for fetching single album photos to website:
<script src=""></script>
(function ($) { $.fn.fbAlbum = function (f) { var g = this; var h = { 'albumID': 10150302289698306 , 'limit': 2000 , 'ulClass': 'album', 'callback': '', 'title': true }; if (f) { $.extend(h, f) } var i = "" + h.albumID + "/photos?limit=" + h.limit + "&callback=?"; $.getJSON(i, function (a) { var b = []; for (var c in a) { for (var d in a[c]) { val2 = a[c][d]; if (typeof (val2.source) != "undefined") { var e = ""; if (h.title && { e = } b.push('<li><a class="imageLink" rel="group" href="' + val2.source + '"><img src="' + val2.picture + '" title="' + e + '"/></a></li>') } } }; $('<ul />', { 'class': h.ulClass, html: b.join('') }).appendTo(g); if (h.callback) { h.callback() } }); return this } })(jQuery);
$(document).ready(function () {
'albumID': 514742801922574
Underlined highlighted code need to be replaced as per albumid and limit required.
Refer below link for the same: