Hi Team,
I have attended interview and i don't know answers for below questions
I have a table in sql server database. I want to move employee attendance table details (single table which has all departments employee attendance) to a new flat files, below are
1) dynamically new flat files name should be "date-of-execution-package_department-name_attendance" . suppose, if i have 3 departments, 3 flat file should be created for each department, in each file attendance of respective department data should be there. so everyday 3 flat files will be created after execution of package.
Example: 22-02-2015_sales_attendance.txt , 22-02-2015_order_attendance.txt , 22-02-2015_production_attendance.txt
2) How can Server names can be changed dynamically.
I want to create flat/excel files (as in above operation 1), then i want to move this flat/excel files from one server to different servers, dynamically.
Can please explain, how package can be created for this tasks ?
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