My Table Structure with data like this
Create Table Course
CourseId int Primary key Identity(1,1),
CourseName Varchar(50)
Insert into Course values('C#')
Insert into Course values('Asp.net')
Insert into Course values('Sqlserver')
Insert into Course values('MySql')
Create Table Students
StudentId int Primary key identity(1,1),
StudentName varchar(30)
Insert into Students values('John')
Insert into Students values('David')
Insert into Students values('Hendry')
Insert into Students values('Smith')
Insert into Students values('Watson')
Create Table CourseAllot
AllotId int Primary key identity(1,1),
CourseId int,
StudentId int
Insert into CourseAllot values (1,1)
Insert into CourseAllot values (1,1)
Insert into CourseAllot values (2,1)
Insert into CourseAllot values (1,2)
Insert into CourseAllot values (3,4)
Insert into CourseAllot values (3,5)
--I need Output
Sno Course Name Student Name
1 C# John,Hendry,David
2 Asp.net John
3 Sqlserver Smith,WatSon
Mark as Answer if its helpful to you