Display or Logging Message

Posted by Nmdjack under VB.NET on 6/11/2015 | Points: 10 | Views : 1539 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 1
Hi Friends,

I have create on windows application. When user fill the details and click the Install button. I want to show the activities in the same form. How to solve this tasks.

When user Click the Install button I validate the user inputs and pass all the values into another class. Also I am generating the below mentioned messages.

For Exmaple
When User Click the Install Button in my form means I want to show the following messages.

Reading compressed file
Extracting file
Extracting Completed.
Reading application name


Posted by: Sheonarayan on: 6/12/2015 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 25

Not much idea however I remember doing this many years before.

There are two things here.

1. You have an application and you want to make installer for that so that application can be installed by end user on their machine. For this, you do not need to create a separate application. Just build and publish and Visual Studio automatically does all that you are asking form. There is something called Install Shield wizard to ask for all the details that is used to install the application.

2. Creating a installer application - would suggest not to re-invent the wheel, use the existing apps available. Search online.

Sheo Narayan

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