As the version increases more and more benefits are added over previous versions and the same applies to HTTP. Following are difference/advantages of HTTP 1.1 over HTTP 1.0.
Host header HTTP 1.0 doesn't have "host" header included but HTTP 1.1 has default header included while sending request and this host header is nothing but the domain name of the website we are requesting from browser. This helps the server to easily know which website client is asking for in case more than one website is hosted on the same server.
Options HTTP 1.1 introduces OPTIONS method that is used to know server capabilities. This is not available in HTTP 1.0
Persistent connection HTTP 1.1 can have more than one connection open at a single request, this is not possible in HTTP 1.0.
New status code HTTP 1.1 introduces a new header code 100 - Continue, this helps client to know if a large request will be processed by server and if server responds with status code 100, client sends the actual body request to the server for further processing. Apart from this, there are 409-Conflict and 410-Gone status code also added.
Caching HTTP 1.1 has many other headers to control caching like "if-unmodified-since, if-none-match, cache-control' etc. HTTP 1.0 had only "if-modified-since" header.
Apart from this, there are many other enhancements as written in this page
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
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