What is different between f10 and f11 button during breakpoint debugging in Visual Studio? [Resolved]

Posted by Kumarkrishna184 under .NET Framework on 12/4/2015 | Points: 10 | Views : 6807 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 2
What is different between f10 and f11 button during breakpoint debugging in Visual Studio?

Thanks and Regards,
Krishna Kumar


Posted by: Rajnilari2015 on: 12/4/2015 [Member] [Microsoft_MVP] [MVP] Platinum | Points: 50


F10 ->Step Over
F11->Step Into

F10 (or Step Over)

Performing a step over the function ; not entering into the detail of the function. In other words , we are skipping the detail and moving onto the next line.

F11 (or Step into)

Entering into the details of the called function.

An example. Suppose we have the below code piece

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var add = AddFunction(10,20);

static int AddFunction(int a,int b)
return a+b;

Now set a break-point at the var add = AddFunction(10,20);

If we perform a Step Over(or F10), then after that line, the control will go to the next line which is Console.WriteLine(add); followed by Console.ReadKey(); and lastly } and finally returns a value of 0 to OS.

If we perform a Step Into (or F11), then after var add = AddFunction(10,20); , the control will go into the called function implementation of AddFunciton which is return a+b and after that Console.WriteLine(add); and so on.

Hope this will be helpful.

Thanks & Regards,
RNA Team

Kumarkrishna184, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Kumarkrishna184 on: 12/4/2015 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Thanks alot sir, now i am very clear

Thanks and Regards,
Krishna Kumar

Kumarkrishna184, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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