i write MySql Query like this
select s.shareno,s.date as Dat,s.nameE,t.InstNameE,
Recptamt,Payamt , t.oldbalance as bal,
t.oldbalance + ifnull(sum(recptamt)-sum(Payamt),0) as opnbal ,
t.oldbalance + ifnull(sum(recptamt)-sum(Payamt),0)+Recptamt-Payamt
+ COALESCE((SELECT ifnull(SUM(Recptamt-Payamt),0)))as Total,
t.oldbalance + ifnull(sum(recptamt)-sum(Payamt),0) opnbal1
from `dbbank`.`tblsharemaster` as t
left join `dbbank`.`sharledg` as s on s.shareno=t.shareno;
But sharemaster have 3 or more records also sharledg 5 records
My need left join usage is match or not all records shows ?
but in this query output coming one record only this is wrong.
I need all records need to come becos i use left join so.
how to solve this
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