How To Design Cheque Format For Printing Using Kendo UI

Posted by Kasani007 under AngularJS 1x on 10/5/2016 | Points: 10 | Views : 1454 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 1
How To Design Cheque Format For Printing Using Kendo UI


Posted by: Manicse on: 10/7/2016 [Member] Bronze | Points: 25

We have created Cheque format using Crystal Reports.
I am not sure Telerik provided any cheque formats for the users so far. It is because each bank have different style of cheque formats.
So they cannot create each API for all the banks.

But instead of direct cheque formats Kendo UI provide some chart based tool using which we can create our own cheque formats.


Kasani007, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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