Problem How to make database design for Instructor Schedule(only relations between every table and other one to many AND Many to Many) Tables already created but relation not make (Section,Class,Instructor,Courses,Student)
I need to make Tables Relation for Instructors schedule working in Training center give courses for Microsoft products
as ACCESS ,EXCEL,C#,SQL as following
* Training center Have more instructors .
* Every instructor give more courses in ACCESS ,EXCEL,C#,SQL weekly from Sunday to Thursday .
* Every instructor give Courses ACCESS ,EXCEL,C#,SQL in more classes inside Training center .
*Training center have 10 classes and every courses can given in more classes within week .
*Every courses ACCESS ,EXCEL,C#,SQL can given by more instructor .
*Every instructor give more sections .
* Section mean group of student every group of student classified to A,B,C,D,E,F.
* Every section can given by more instructor within week .
* Every section can given more courses in week .
* Every section can get more courses in more classes .
So that i need to know
Instructor Michel give Courses C# And SQL from time 2 to time 4 Every Sunday And Wednesday weekly in class A1 And B1 And C1
For section A And B and C And D (Relation between each table and others)