Dear All,
Please join hands to congratulate all monthly winners of
April 2017.
As part of their winning prizes, they have won CASH prizes of
INR 4290 from, FREE training materials from
List of winners this month+ Rajnilari2015 ---- INR 3010/-
+ Amatya ---- INR 680/-
+ Ahteshamax ---- INR 600/-
+ Ahmedsa ---- INR 500/-
Visit to know more about the winners.
Dear Winners,
Kindly send following details (by clicking on Contact Us link at the footer of the page) by 15th of this month to ensure delivery of the prizes and cheques to you on time.
Full Name as appears in Bank account (if won cash prize, do not send Bank Account number):
Father's Name:
Complete correspondence address including PIN to send prize: username:
Email ID:
Contact Number:
The prizes should reach you by the end of this month.
Best regards,