How to make relation between hotel table and day details table?

Posted by Ahmedsa under Sql Server on 7/7/2017 | Points: 10 | Views : 1514 | Status : [Member] | Replies : 1

How to make relation between hotel table and day details table ? are relation is wrong as diagram or not

I need to make design database to booking hotel and program for tourists.

tourist book two thing may be hotel only or program

every hotel or program have more than one periods may be 8 or 15 days only
every day have accommodation on hotel only one hotel if he select hotel
if he select program may be accommodation in many hotels .

but i confuse how to make relation between hotel table and day details table relation between hotel and day details table


Posted by: Ajay2707 on: 8/16/2017 [Member] Starter | Points: 25

Hi Ahmedsa,
But you already link between 2 tables. Still I have some doubt as per your design image I saw.

1. HotelPrice table to be rename "RoomPrice" for better understanding .
2. Why RoomStock have price column?
3. Hotel table with Day detail table link is good. But also day details table link with your RoomPrice table which show that which room allocated when tourist occupied.

Ahmedsa, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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