How to Count Query for this in sql server
ex: Only Email id based Duplicate count only.
--Emailid Date
--abc@gmail.com 11-04-2018
--abce@gmail.com 12-04-2018
--abc@gmail.com 13-04-2018
--abcr@gmail.com 14-04-2018
--abc@gmail.com 15-04-2018
--abce@gmail.com 18-04-2018
--abct@gmail.com 11-04-2018
--abcf@gmail.com 12-04-2018
I need 2 separate output here 2 separate Query for this
-- First output
-- Only EmailId based Duplicate Output
-- Total Emails (5)
--- Notes here Duplicate abc@gmail.com(3),abce@gmail.com(2) so output Total 5
--Second Output
-- abc@gmail.com(3)
-- abce@gmail.com(2)
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