Hi Webmaster,
Im new to dotnetfunda.com and im looking into this site for the past 3 to 4 days. Its quite energetic and ppl contributing more on this like articles, forum questions, interview questions and codes. As a member in this site, i can suggest some place where we can improve the site to a much greater level
1) User agreement is popping up everytime when we publish the code, article, interview questions - instead can give the user agreement once at the time of registration
2) A place where users have blogging option - so that users can create thr blogs and contribute more about thr techincal stuffs.
3) A place to share the interview experience of all level and company wise so that it helps for the ppl who are preparing for the interview.
4) Online chat for the available users as mentioned my Mr Radha in the forum, its really useful for the members to interact and share.
5) An option for the articles to be downloaded in PDF format - this helps for the persons who dnt have acces to the internt at office like me...
Please corect me if anything has been placed wrongly here.