Access to insert a table while posting Interview Questions [Resolved]

Posted by Chvrsri under DotNetFunda.Com on 8/26/2011 | Points: 150 | Views : 2555 | Status : [Member] [Moderator] [MVP] | Replies : 1
Hi Web Master,

Today i have faced a problem in inserting a table format in one of my interview question.

As we have it in Articles section i request you allow access to insert a table while posting a interview question.

For reference, go through this link i have tried my level best to align it in a table format but i have failed in doing so.

It would be great if you allow access to table(Pre defined) structure into interview questions posting.

Radha Srikanth


Posted by: Webmaster on: 8/26/2011 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum | Points: 50


Hi Srikanth,

Appreciate your suggestion.

As discussed over chat, In order to keep the Interview Question content short and to the point we have not provided WYSIWYG editor. In general hardly an author feels the need of tabular structure while giving answer of Interview questions so looks like the plain textbox is enough for this section.

However we have provided option to format the text Bold , Italic Underline etc. that can be used to make the answer more readable.

In any case a tabular data can be represented separated by -- the way you have done.

I hope this answer your question. As a token of appreciation for this post, we have updated this post with 150 points.

Should you have any more suggestion, kindly let us know.


Best regards,

Chvrsri, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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