
Posted by RtpHarry under DotNetFunda.Com on 10/7/2009 | Views : 2111 | Status : [Member] [MVP] | Replies : 5
Just wanted to say a big thank you to for giving me the forums top contributor prize this month.

I chose a book called Clean Code by Uncle Bob Martin and it arrived this morning.

Its all brand new with crisp corners which never last very long doing the trip backwards and forward from home to work :)

I am quite excited to read it but I have to finish the one im on at the moment.... well a quick peak just before bed can't hurt can it?

Anyway thanks again for recognizing my contributions, it means a lot to me.


Posted by: Webmaster on: 10/7/2009 [Administrator] HonoraryPlatinum

Dear RtpHarry,

You are most welcome!

We are glad seeing you excited.

Thank you again for contributing in DotNetFunda.Com and keep it up!

Warm regards,

Best regards,

RtpHarry, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Vuyiswamb on: 10/8/2009 [Member] [MVP] [Administrator] NotApplicable

Good Day RtpHarry

You have done a Good Job,

Thank you for posting at dotnetfunda

Vuyiswa Maseko

Thank you for posting at Dotnetfunda

RtpHarry, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Bubbly on: 10/9/2009 [Member] Bronze


Thanks & Regards,

RtpHarry, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: Santosh4u on: 10/9/2009 [Member] Bronze

Thanks! and Congrats to u?
i m very exciting with ur excited.

RtpHarry, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

Posted by: RtpHarry on: 1/23/2010 [Member] [MVP] Bronze

Hey sorry to resurrect a dead thread but I just wanted to share my experiences with the book I got for contributor of the month.

This book rapidly became one of the best books I have ever read on software development!

It describes easy to understand ideas about how you can break down your approach to coding and really clean it up.

My code style has changed dramatically since I read this book and its a lot easier to read and understand - which is especially great when I come back to the code later on to add new features :)

Anyway if anyone was wondering if they should get the book then they should definitely get it.

The code samples are all written in Java but it doesn't affect the readability because most of the code looks like c# anyway.

These lessons make up about the first half of the book. To give a balanced review I must admit that the next part of the book is a bit boring and really goes through refactoring some bits of code and it didnt really capture my imagination.

The last part of the book is kind of like a glossary which provides easy to reference paragraphs describing each of the lessons that were introduced in the first part of the book. This has made it easy for me to refresh individual ideas without re-reading the book and has been valuable.

All in all this is a very valuable book to have in your collection and I highly recommend it to anyone that wins a prize this month! :)

RtpHarry, if this helps please login to Mark As Answer. | Alert Moderator

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