C# Exclusive Interview Questions and Answers (453) - Page 1

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Is .NET platform independent?

NOTE: This is objective type question, Please click question title for correct answer.
What is difference between Compilation and Runtime.

A high level language which means it is meant for humans to
understand not for computers. For a computer to understand a program
it has to be compiled, that is changed into machine language. Once a
program is in machine language then the computer can understand it
and perform the actions it describes (that is to run the program). A
program need only be compiled once but (once compiled) it can be run
any number of times.
What is the difference between un-safe code & un-managed code. ?

Un-managed code runs outside the CLR control while the Un-safe
code runs inside the CLR control. Both of these may use pointers &
direct memory access.
Child class destructor always executes before parent class destructor.

NOTE: This is objective type question, Please click question title for correct answer.
Can we declare a non static method of parent class as static in child class

Yes, but then it should be also declared
as new and this child class method shadows (hides) the parent class
Which of the following are correct about contructor?

NOTE: This is objective type question, Please click question title for correct answer.
Can we instantiate an interface?

We can't instantiate an interface

but we can get a reference to an interface
Why do you prefer that a function (member of an object) not return a boolean value to the calling function in order to indicate that it (the called member/function) successfully completed its operation.

Like mentioned in the question, it isjust a preference and not a rule. It is a commonly accepted way ofdoing OOPS methodology. There is nothing wrong with returning a boolean value but it is not PREFERRED. Hence refrain from it. It is preferred that the called function/member throw/raise an exception to indicate that something went wrong in it. Again, this is just a preference and there is nothing wrong in doing it. If you do choose to use it extensively, you are moving away from doing Object Orientation or Object Oriented Programming.
What is the difference between CLS and CTS?

CTS When different languages are integrated and want to communicate, it is certain that the languages have their own data types and different declaration styles. CTS define how these different variables are declared and used in run time. E.g. VB offers an Integer data type while C++ offers long data type. Using CTS, these data types are converted to System32 which itself a data type of CLS. CLS Any language(s) that intend to use the Common Language Infrastructure needs to communicate with other CLS-Compliant language. This communication is based on set of rules laid by CLS. These rules define a subset of CTS.
Explain the elements of the .NET Framework.

CLR (Common Language Runtime): It is a common managed environment where all the .net programs run. Supports multiple languages and has the garbage collector. .Net Framework Class Libraries: For each source code compiler (VB.NET, C#.NET, etc.), there is a minimum set of coding standards that must be met. The minimum set of coding standards that must be met to compile .NET code into MSIL code is known as CLS - Common Language Specification. The role of the Common Language Specification is to ensure that all generated code (MSIL) that meets the minimum set of coding standards can operate successfully within the .NET framework. THE CTS (Common Type System) handles conversion of programming-language data types into .NET compatible (MSIL) data types. The implicit benefit of the CTS is the reduction of development time when attempting to coordinate data types between two sets of different programming-language code. Data and XML: Support for disconnected programming model and XML. XML webservices: creating webservices for distributed architecture. Webforms: Provides support and functionality for Web based UI. Windows forms: Provides support and functionality for Windows based UI.
Explain the role of assembly in the .Net Framework

.Net Framework keeps executable code or DLL in the form of assembly. .Net Framework maintains multiple versions of the application in the system through assembly. The assemblies have MSIL code and manifest that contains metadata. The metadata contains version information of the assembly.
What is .Net Framework?

The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft .NET Platform. The .NET Framework is a common environment for building, deploying, and running Web Services and Web Applications
What is a private constructor?

It does not allow to create object for its derived class and used generally in Singleton pattern.

What is .Net?

It is a frame work tool which is integrated with many programming languages.
Namespace is a collection of

NOTE: This is objective type question, Please click question title for correct answer.
What are the different types of JIT compilers?

1.Standard JIT.
2.Econo JIT.
3.Pre JIT.

Econo JIT is similar to Standard JIT except for Caching.It is ideal for small devices like Pocket PC and Mobile Phones
What is visual inheritance?

Visual elements are implemented as full featured .NET objects. so other objects can inherit from Them.

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