What is the formula for Cume_Dist function?

 Posted by Rajnilari2015 on 10/24/2015 | Category: Sql Server Interview questions | Views: 1526 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. Cumulative_Distribution = (R)/(N) where R => The row whose rank needs to be found, N => Total number of rows or records.
  2. Cumulative_Distribution = (N)/(R) where R => The row whose rank needs to be found, N => Total number of rows or records.
  3. Cumulative_Distribution = (R+1)/(N+1) where R => The row whose rank needs to be found, N => Total number of rows or records.
  4. Cumulative_Distribution = (R+1)/(N) where R => The row whose rank needs to be found, N => Total number of rows or records.
  5. All Above

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