When you create a new project in silver light through Visual Studio, how many xaml files are created and what are the uses of those files?

 Posted by Niladri.Biswas on 7/21/2012 | Category: Silverlight Interview questions | Views: 3167 | Points: 40

Two xaml files are created in silver light project. They are (i) App.xaml (ii) MainPage.xaml

1.App.xaml - App.xaml is a file used to declare shared resources like brushes, various style objects etc. and to handle the global application level events (this is almost similar to global.asax file in asp.net application). By default following events are created in the App.xaml.cs





2.MainPage.xaml or Page.xaml – This page is the default page of the silver light application and when the silver light application runs this becomes the default page to appear (this page is like the default.aspx page of asp.net application)

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