Answer: namespace DynamicPolymorphism
public abstract class Animal
public abstract void Run();
public class Tiger : Animal
public override void Run()
Console.WriteLine("Tiger runs at 80 Km/hr");
public class Lion : Animal
public override void Run()
Console.WriteLine("Lion runs at 60 Km/hr");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Animal objAnimal = new Lion();
objAnimal = new Tiger();
Here i have a abstract class called Animal. This Animal class contains an abstract method called Run(). Note that here method declaration is only written and not implementation.
Now I have two classes called Tiger and Lion. These two classes inherits from base class Animal.
public class Lion : Animal
public class Tiger : Animal
I override the base class Run() method in my Lion and Tiger class.
The keyword override is used to override the base class function.
public override void Run() ---> in Tiger and Lion class overrides the base class Run() function.
I am printing in Lion class
Console.WriteLine("Lion runs at 60 Km/hr");
I am printing in Tiger class
Console.WriteLine("Tiger runs at 80 Km/hr");
In program class the real implementation is done.
At first I am creating base class reference pointing to derived class.
In first line I am creating Animal class reference pointing to Lion class using "new" keyword
Animal objAnimal = new Lion();
Then I am calling Run() function, now it calls the Run() function of Lion class and executes the line
Console.WriteLine("Lion runs at 60 Km/hr");
Now I am reassigining or changing the reference from Lion class to Tiger class . Note that I am using the same object "objAnimal"
objAnimal = new Tiger();
Then I am calling Run() function, now it calls the Run() function of Tiger class and executes the line
Console.WriteLine("Lion runs at 60 Km/hr");