The employees table of the Hovercraft database has the following columns:

Full Name

Your company has offices in 10 countries. You want to simplify the process of querying data so that sales people in India are returned results from the employees table only where the value in the Country column is india. employee people in india must be able to query data in all other columns.

Which of the following T-SQL statements can you use to accomplish this task?

 Posted by Rajkatie on 11/30/2012 | Category: Sql Server Interview questions | Views: 3649 | Points: 40
Select from following answers:
  1. CREATE VIEW dbo.vIndiaCustomers AS SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE Country = N'India';
  2. ALTER VIEW dbo.vIndiaCustomers AS SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE Country NOT IN(N'India');
  3. CREATE VIEW dbo.vAustraliaCustomers AS SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE Country NOT IN(N'India');
  4. All Above

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