This video will take you through the five Csharp Design Patterns Interview Questions.
Repository and UOW (Unit Of Work) Design Pattern :-
What is the use of repository pattern?
Is Dal (Data access Layer) and Repository same?
What is Generic repository pattern ?
Is abstraction the only benefit of Repository?
How to implement transaction in repository?
What is Unit of work design pattern?
Do we need repository pattern as EF does almost the same work?
Why repository pattern makes unit testing easy ?
Singleton Design Pattern:-
Explain Singleton Pattern and the use of the same?
How did you implement singleton pattern?
Can we use Static class rather than using a private constructor?
Static vs Singleton pattern?
How did you implement thread safety in Singleton?
What is double null check in Singleton?
Can Singleton pattern code be made easy with Lazy keyword?
Can we rid of this double null check code?
CQRS Design Pattern :-
Explain CQRS pattern ?
What is the benefit of CQRS ?
Explain CommandHandler class ?
What is the importance of GUID in CQRS ?
Is CQRS pattern compulsory ?
Are Models and CQRS classes same ?
What is the use of Mediatr ?
What is importance of Aggregate root in CQRS ?
What is event sourcing in CQRS and is it compulsory?
What are projections , read projections ?
Which event sourcing DB have you used ?
Factory Design Pattern:-
Why do we need Factory pattern ?
What is the implication of new Keyword ?
Factory pattern helps for loose coupling , Explain ?
What is DI and IOC ?
The real factory pattern ?
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