In this article I will explain how to install SharePoint 2010.
starting Installation Let’s understand
in SharePoint installation
- Web Front
End Role: Web Front End role is used to host web application, created in
SharePoint 2010.
- Database (MS
SQL Server) Role: SharePoint uses Sql server to store content of SharePoint web
- Application
role: SharePoint Central Administration site and various service applications is
part of application role.
can install all these three roles on one machine which is called as single
server installation or Web
Front End role, Application Role on one machine and Database Role on another
Hardware and
software Requirement:
64 Bits, 4 Cores, 8 GB RAM
2010 requires 64 Bit platform for installation therefore we must use 64 bits
operating system and SQL server also.
This installation I am going to use windows 2008 server R2 64 bit and MS SQL
Server 2008 R2 64 Bit.
So Before starting actual installation prepare two machines with installation of windows server 2008 R2 and ensure that both machines are on local area network.
Let’s start with installation of Active directory and DNS server on computer named as PDC.
As Active Directory is used for Authentication purpose so users can login on SharePoint sites and In active directory we are going to create some users necessary to install and configure our SharePoint 2010 installation.
To add Active directory role on our machine, use following snapshots
Step 1) Go to Administrative tools and then Server Manager.
Step 2) Click on Roles in Right pane click on add roles, click on next
Step 3) In Select Server roles window select Active Directory Domain Services and click on Next, Click next and Click on Install Button.
Step 4) After Adding Active directory service role we are ready to install DNS with AD server role on this machine to do this go to Run window and type Dcpromo and click next on welcome window
Step 5) Click Next on Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard.
Step 6) Click Next
Step 7) In Choose a Deployment Configuration window select create a new domain in a new forest.
Step 8) In Name the forest root domain window type your root domain name for ex. POINT.COM
Step 9) On set Forest Functional Level window keep default setting and click next.
Step 10) On Set Domain Functional Level Window keep default setting and click next.
Step 11) On Additional Domain Controller options window select DNS Server and click next.
Step 12) On Location for database window. Keep default settings and click next.
Step 13) Type Restore mode administrator password and click next.
Step 14) On Summary window click next.
Step 15) Active directory domain services would starts installation and on that window select reboot on completion.
Step 16) After rebooting a machine login on PDC Machine. Here we have finish active directory and DNS server installation.
Crating Active Directory Users for SharePoint and SQL Server 2008 Installation
For SharePoint and sql server installation we require following users.
- SQL_Admin: A User account used to install and configure SQL Server 2008 R2.
- SharePoint_Admin: A user account to install and configure SharePoint 2010.
- SharePoint_Farm: A Service account used by SharePoint to configure and manage SharePoint server farm.
- SharePoint_Service : A service account used to run various service application in SharePoint 2010 such as User Profile Service Application, Search service Applications etc.
So Let’s create above users.
Step 1) Go to Active Directory Users and computers from administrative tools.
Step 2) Create Admin account for SQL Server.
a. First Name : SQL Admin
b. Logon Name: SQL_Admin, Click on Next and Type suitable password
Step 3) Create Admin account for SharePoint 2010 server.
a) First Name: SharePoint Admin.
b) Logon Name: SharePoint_Admin. Click on Next and Type suitable password
Step 4) Create SharePoint Farm Admin Account to manage SharePoint 2010 farm
a) First Name : SharePoint Farm
b) Logon Name : SharePoint_Farm, Click on Next and Type suitable password.
Step 5) Create service account to manage SharePoint services.
a) First Name : SharePoint Service.
b) Logon Name : SharePoint_Service, Click on Next and Type suitable password
Here we have created necessary users for installation.
Installing SQL Server 2008 R2
We are going to do SQL server installation on Machine two named as NDJ. Ensure that machine NDJ has joined to domain POINT.COM.
Login on Machine NDJ as Domain Administrator (POINT\Administrator). Add POINT\SharePoint_Admin and POINT\SQL_Admin Users in Local Administrator Group from Server Manager (Local Users and Groups).
Now Login on NDJ Machine as POINT\SQL_Admin User, and install SQL Server 2008 R2 as Named Instance (Name: SPSQL) with windows authentication.
After Installation on SQL Server open SQL Server Management Studio.
Server Name: NDJ\SPSQL
Authentication: Windows Authentication
- Click Connect.
- Expand Security.
- Right-click Logins and then click New Login.
- In the Login name box, type POINT\SharePoint_Admin.
- In the Select a page panel, click Server Roles.
- Select the dbcreator check box.
- Select the securityadmin check box.
- Click OK.
- Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
After Installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 we are ready install SharePoint 2010 on Machine NDJ
Installing SharePoint 2010
Log on Machine NDJ as POINT\SharePoint_Admin.
Step 1) Open Installation Media and double-click on default.hta.
a. Click on Install Software Prerequisites
Step 2) Following windows shows Prerequisites for SharePoint 2010.
Setp 3) If your Machine has connected to Internet then You can click on Next , Installation wizard will download these prerequisites and It would install on machine (Application Server Role , Web Server IIS Role would installed from local machine)
We can download these prerequisites from Microsoft web sites (followings are links) and install on machine
a) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (
b) Windows Identity Foundation for Windows Server 2008 R2 (
c) Microsoft Sync Framework v1.0 (
d) Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs (
e) Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (
f) Windows PowerShell 2.0 (
g) Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET (
4) After Installing these prerequisites now we can install SharePoint server, Click on Install SharePoint Server.
Step 5) Enter Your Product Key.
Step 6) Click on I Accept the terms of this agreement.
Step 7) Choose Installation type as Server Farm
Step 8) In choose a file location keep default location.
Step 9) On server type tab select complete installation and click install now
Step 10) Installation wizard would start installation of SharePoint server.
Step 11) On run configuration wizard select “Run the SharePoint products configuration wizard now”
Step 12) On Welcome to SharePoint Products Windows, Click on next.
Step 13) Choose yes to restart the services if required.
Step 14) On connect to a server farm window select “Create a new Server Farm” and click on next
Step 15) Type Database server Name (NDJ\SPSQL) and database access account as SharePoint_Farm user
Step 16) Type passphrase for securing farm configuration
Step 17) Specify Port Number for Central Administration web Application and click on next.
Step 18) On completing the SharePoint products configuration wizard click on next.
Step 19) Wait for few minute to finish configuration.
Step 20) On Configuration successful window click on finish.
Step 21) As soon we click on finish button we will get an initial farm configuration wizard window Click on “start the wizard”.
Step 22) Specify SharePoint service account POINT\Sharepoint_Service and its password.
Step 23) Click on skip button to avoid creation of new web site.
Step 24) Here we have our central Administration site ………………
Hope this would be useful for the readers! Thanks and do let me know your comments or feedback.