Article Writing Competition 2011 - Win Rs. 21,000 cash & 3,24,778 worth gifts

Posted by in Others category on for Intermediate level | Points: 250 | Views : 11828 red flag
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On 19-Apr-2011, DotNetFunda.Com has completed its 4th year of excellent track record of serving the .NET community. We had started from 1 article and now we have grown many folds with thousands of articles, interview questions, career advices and other useful content. We are one of the fastest growing website related with .NET Technologies.
Update: Please click here for the winners announcements.

Participate and Win !

DotNetFunda.Com is visited by .5 million people from more than 181 countries and territories every month and this count is growing every day. Of course, we have achieved all this with the help & support from you, the valuable member and visitors. 

On the occasion of our fourth (4th) anniversary, we are organizing "Article Writing Competition 2011" from 19-Apr-2011 to 29-Jun-2011 where you will have opportunity to win real cash prizes (no joke) as well as bundle of exciting prizes from our sponsors.

How to participate in this Competition?

Choose any topic of Web or Windows development in Microsoft .NET technologies. Go to the "Articles" section and Submit article by clicking Submit Article link.  Your article should be properly explained and should contain code snippets, images and demo application (if applicable). Once approved, your article should be listed in "Articles" section, if your article is not listed after 24 hours of submission, please contact us

All submitted & published articles in between 19-Apr-2011 and 29-Jun-2011 shall be eligible for this competition.

The more votes your article gets by the readers the more chances you will have to win. For more details on how the winner will be selected, read the Rules section.

We take this opportunity to give away some more prizes to those who shall spread the words. You can do this by 

Members who are already following on Twitter, Liked in Facebook and into our LinkedIn network are already eligible for this.

Winners categories

The winners shall be declared in several categories, and they are

For Article writing
  1. 1st Prize (The winner of the competition)
  2. 2nd Prize (Runner up winner)
  3. 3rd prize
  4. Editor's choice
  5. Best problem solving article
For spreading words 
  1. Ten Twitter followers - follow us
  2. Ten Facebook members  who liked us - like us
  3. Ten LinkedIn members who added DotNetFunda to their Network - add into network
Some more surprise gifts to be distributed

All winners shall get an on demand winning Certificate from DotNetFunda.Com that may help in boosting their resumes. Winners shall be declared on DotNetFunda.Com

What you can win?

Below are the prizes details that you can win.

1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
Editor's choice
Best Problem Solving Article

Cash Prize

Cash prize of
Rs. 10000 or $225

Cash Prize

Cash prize of 
Rs. 5000 or $111

Cash Prize 
Cash prize of
Rs. 1500 or $31

Cash Prize

Cash prize of
Rs. 1000 or $21

Cash Prize

Cash prize of 
Rs. 1000 or $ 21
  1. NDepend dev license worth $421
  2. Nevron chart for .NET Lite worth $299
  3. 1 Nukeation's themes  Ultimate subscription worth $399
  4. 1 Pluralsight's   one year subscription worth $149
  5. 1 LearnVisualStudio.NET's  one year subscription subscription worth $59.46
  6. FPS Gauges for WPF license worth $199
  7. 1 10Tec's  iGrid.NET license worth $269
  8. 1 Questpond's  .NET Interview kit subscription worth $52
Total $225 cash and $1847.46 worth gifts

  1. NDepend dev license worth $421
  2. Nevron chart for .NET Lite worth $299
  3. 1 Nukeation's themes  Ultimate subscription worth $299
  4. 1 Pluralsight's   one year subscription worth $149
  5. FPS Controls for WPF  license worth $129
  6. 1 10Tec's  iGrid.NET license worth $269
  7. 1 LearnVisualStudio.NET's  one year subscription subscription worth $59.46
  8. 1 Questpond's  .NET Interview kit subscription worth $52
Total $111 cash prize and $1677.46 worth gifts
  1.  Nevron chart for .NET Lite worth $299
  2. 1 10Tec's  iGrid.NET license worth $269
  3.  FPS Gauges for WPF license worth $199
  4. 1 Questpond's  .NET Interview kit subscription worth $52
Total $31 cash and $819 worth gifts
  1.  Nevron chart for .NET Lite worth $299
  2. 1 10Tec's iGrid.NET license worth $269
  3.  FPS Gauges for WPF license worth $199
  4. 1 Questpond's  .NET Interview kit subscription worth $52
Total $21 cash and $819 worth gifts
  1.  Nevron chart for .NET Lite worth $299
  2. 1 10Tec's
  3.  iGrid.NET license worth $269
  4. FPS Controls for WPF  license worth $129
  5. 1 Questpond's  .NET Interview kit subscription worth $52
Total $21 cash and $749 worth gifts
Twitter followers
Facebook members
LinkedIn members

Total $10.50 cash and $329.90 worth gifts
Total $21 cash and $598.90 worth gifts
Total $21 cash and $598.90 worth gifts

This competition starts from 19-Apr-2011 and ends on 29-Jun-2011. The winners shall be declared on 3-Jul-2011.

Official sponsors of this Competition

Thanks to our Sponsors of this Competition, without them it would have been difficult to organize this Competition. Please click on each Sponsors logo and browse through their websites to know about them and their awesome products ! We are sure these products would be helpful in your day to day life at work.

Sponsors name
Prize details
NDepend is a Visual Studio tool to manage complex .NET code and achieve high Code Quality. With NDepend, software quality can be measured using Code Metrics, visualized using Graphs and Treemaps, and enforced using standard and custom Rules.

Hence the software design becomes concrete, code reviews are effective, large refactoring are easy and evolution is mastered.
Nevron Software is a global leader in component based data visualization technology for a diverse range of Microsoft centric platforms. Built with perfection, usability and enterprise level features in mind, our components deliver advanced digital dashboards and diagrams that are not to be matched. Today Nevron components are used by many Fortune 500 companies and thousands of developers and IT professionals worldwide.

Designed by professionals for professionals, Nevron Data Visualization technology delivers rich functionality with exceptional features to your Presentation, Scientific, Financial and Business Intelligence applications.

Nukeation , established in the late 1990s, Nukeation is one of the world's leading User Experience technology studio. Our small, but very talented team consists of designers and developers that are pioneers in the UX world, centered around Microsoft technology.

Entire themes library subscription type

  • One Ultimate subscription for 1 Year  ($399 * 1 = $399)
  • One Ultimate subscription for 6 months - ($199 * 1 = $199)


10Tec Company is devoted to creating great, exclusive ActiveX and .NET components and developer tools. iGrid is our flagship grid control for the COM/ActiveX and .NET Framework platforms. provides high-quality training solutions for Microsoft .NET developers that can fit any schedule or budget. The revolutionary Pluralsight On-Demand! training library provides developers with instant access to a rich collection of online training courses delivered by industry authorities. See what you can learn at and join the @pluralsight community on Twitter.

LearnVisualStudio.NET LearnVisualStudio.NET focuses on Visual Studio technology. Our videos are designed to teach you to program real-world applications.  When you're done, you should be able to use what you've learned and apply it to create the projects that you need.  If you like, you can find an entire list of all our videos at

fps FPS Components works with a methodology of customer development rather than product development.  Our customers envision the products, including the required features. Accordingly we develop and provide the tools and components to the customer. Every product comes with an annual subscription for new releases and support from the company.  We currently develop components with Silverlight and WPF frameworks. WPF Components and Silverlight Components are highly flexible and are used to create custom users controls.  These technologies are widely supported by Microsoft products.  See the list of available products below.

Questpond provides Interview questions and answers for .NET,VB.NET,SQL Server,C#,Design pattern,Sharepoint,WCF,WPF,WWF,Silverlight,reporting services,java,tester,software testing
ITFunda.Com is an e-commerce website that furnishes a platform to the interested buyer and seller to interact and transact for the software or software related services. We typically host study materials, software products / services for buying/selling. 

For competition rules and more information about this "Article Writing Competition", please click here.

Good luck and start writing article to participate in this Competition.
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About the Author

Full Name: DotNet Funda
Member Level: HonoraryPlatinum
Member Status: Administrator
Member Since: 4/19/2007 10:54:06 AM
Country: India
Best regards, Webmaster

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Susanthampy on: 6/1/2011 | Points: 25
Thanks for this article...........

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