We are happy to inform that DotNetFunda.Com and Questpond.Com have brought online training sessions on OOPS, ASP.NET, ADO.NET and Sql Server exclusively for DotNetFunda.Com members in the month of February and March 2010. Below are some faqs about these sessions.
Update: For latest online training sessions schedule, please visit http://www.dotnetfunda.com/misc/page15.aspxHow to attend these free online training sessions?
These sessions are conducted through Microsoft live meeting and below are details.
Meeting ID: will be sent to you after your nomination will be accepted
Date Time Training Session
13 February , 2010 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM IST OOPS
27 February , 2010 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM IST ASP.NET
13 March , 2010 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM IST ADO.NET
27 March , 2010 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM IST SQL Server
How to nominate for these online training sessions?
To nominate for the online training sessions, send your request with following details to webmaster@dotnetfunda.com
- Your name
- Your email id
- Training session(s) interested in
- DotNetFunda.Com username (Do not have?, register yourself now. Its free !)
(All above details are mandatory to send)
note that these sessions are on first come first serve basis and
maximum seats are limited to 50 candidates. Please ensure your are
logged in sharply at 2.00 PM afternoon at India Standard Time (IST) on
the scheduled date so that you do not miss the bus.
How can I test my live meeting?
no test live meeting during the course, we have setup a separate
department who can help you to test your live meeting, so that you do
not face problems.
- Install live meeting from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/help/HA101733831033.aspx
- Then click on 'Accept terms and install client'. After installation open the "Live Meeting" by clicking on the Start Menu from your local machine.
- Enter the details as given below:
- Once
you are into the meeting room send an email to questpond@questpond.com
or call 022-66752917 to ensure that your MIC and displays are working
properly. One of our operators will login to ensure you can use live
meeting properly.
Can I test my .NET interview skills now?
Yes, you can call to 91-9967590707 (Questpond) to assess your skills on .NET interview.
For any further questions on these online sessions, please contact at webmaster@dotnetfunda.com
Thank you and enjoy learning.
Best regards,