Visual studio shortcuts

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Hi, here we will learn some visual Studio short keys and tips which will be helpful for developers, tester, tech lead etc.
Every developer who uses Visual studio should know or familiar with the shortcut which Iam going to share here. Hope it will be helpful for freshers and even the experience software developer friends.


Visual Studio short Keys and Tips
Hi, here we will learn some visual Studio short keys and tips which will be helpful for developers, tester, tech lead etc. Every developer who uses Visual studio should know or familiar with the shortcut which we will learn here. Hope it will be helpful for freshers and even the experience software developer friends.

Some of the tips are as follows:

1. Every developer should the difference between the concept of Running the application and Running the     application with debug mode. Most of the freshers do not know this concept and run the application         using F5 or clicking the RUN button in the menu bar of Visual Studio. But when it comes to              performance of Visual Studio and speed we should know that F5 is used for running the application in      debugging mode and for running the application without debugging is Ctrl+F5
   So, in simple word if the developer wants to start the application in debugging mode press F5 otherwise press Ctrl+F5.

2. To put the breakpoints in the code use F9. For this we have to put the control at the specific line of code and press F9. Debugging is basically used to check the result or see the values which is coming as per expectation. Now if we run the application the control will come to that specific control and then we can see that the values are coming as per our expectation or not. If it is the method then we have the concept of step In and step out. Step In we use to get into that specific method and to inspect the values in the method, for step In we use F11. Step Out is used to see the output of the method F10 key is used for Step Out.

3. As a developer, it is very important to write the code in proper format but most of the developer do not follow it(laughing) as their mind and soul waits to complete the task or module. But after sometime of development of the code they feel that the code should be formatted properly for sake of better understanding and to troubleshoot(i.e debugging). For that purpose Visual Studio have a formatting concept through  which we can format the document. To format the document we can use Ctrl+K,d.

4. Sometime we write the code which is not used at present but may be it can be needed for some other cases or for some specific attribute afterwards for any specific conditions. We can comment the code by using Ctrl+K,C which will comment the selected code. 

5. To remove comment for the specific code we can use Ctrl+K,U in visual studio.

Hope this small and useful tips will help you guys. Will provide more shortcuts for developers in the next article. 


Enjoy the shortcuts. More shortcuts here you all can share here. All are welcomed. Happy 2018.

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About the Author

Full Name: Amatya Agyey
Member Level: Silver
Member Status: Member
Member Since: 5/9/2015 12:56:12 AM
Country: India
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Software Enginner

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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Myrtletran on: 1/30/2018 | Points: 25
Short and useful)
Posted by: Aumickmanuela on: 2/7/2018 | Points: 25
Great post)
Posted by: Daytona501 on: 2/17/2018 | Points: 25
Awesome. Thx.

Posted by: Jerbrown on: 2/19/2018 | Points: 25
do you have any tutorials or other educational stuff about that theme?
Posted by: Robbieweeks on: 2/23/2018 | Points: 25
Can you tell us any other applications as a variant
Posted by: Stevenfphelps on: 10/10/2018 | Points: 25
It would be desirable to see video-report.

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