Answer: select * from tbl_StudentMarks where
Stu_Marks =
(select MIN(Stu_Marks) from (
select top 3 Stu_Marks from tbl_StudentMarks
order by Stu_Marks desc) AA)
At first we need to find the 3rd maximum value. So as per this table the thrid maximum value is 96. Two students have scored 96 Marks. So we need to print both rows.
I used two subqueries to obtain the result. In the below statement I am finding the first three top marks.
select top 3 Stu_Marks from tbl_StudentMarks
order by Stu_Marks desc
The above code pritns 98,97,96.
Now I am taking the minimum marks of the above three which is 96 by using the following query.
(select MIN(Stu_Marks) from (
select top 3 Stu_Marks from tbl_StudentMarks
order by Stu_Marks desc) AA
In the above code I used an alias name called "AA" for intermediate data operation purpose.
Now the minimum marks 96 will be checked with outermost query.
select * from tbl_StudentMarks where
Stu_Marks = 96
At the end of the query we will be geting two rows that is of Vinod and Kellis who scored 96 Marks.
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