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Winners and Prizes

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555 records found.
Apr, 2018 Jayakumars
Appreciation N/A N/A Appreciation for asking maximum number of quality questions in the Forums section for the month of March 2018. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 500/-
Apr, 2018 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 2000/- N/A Winner of Articles section for the month of March 2018. He has won INR 2000/- cash prize.
Jun, 2017 Neerajprasadsharma
Appreciation Rs. 350/- N/A Appreciation for asking maximum number of quality questions in the Forums section for the month of May 2017. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 350/-
Jun, 2017 Jitendrasoft09
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 250/- N/A RunnerUpWinner of Forums section for the month of May 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 250/- cash.
Jun, 2017 Neerajprasadsharma
Winner Rs. 450/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of May 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 450/- cash.
Jun, 2017 Amatya
Winner Rs. 200/- N/A Winner of Interviews section for the month of May 2017. He has won INR 200 cash prize.
Jun, 2017 Neerajprasadsharma
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 900/- N/A RunnerUpWinner of Articles section for the month of May 2017. He has won INR 900/- cash prize.
Jun, 2017 Amatya
Winner Rs. 1150/- N/A Winner of Articles section for the month of May 2017. He has won INR 1150/- cash prize.
May, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 200/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of April 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 200/- cash.
May, 2017 Jayakumars
Appreciation N/A Rs. 500/- Appreciation for asking maximum number of quality questions in the Forums section for the month of April 2017. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 500/-
May, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 500/- N/A Winner for the Codes section for the month of April 2017. He has won cash prize of INR 500/-.
May, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 1200/- N/A Winner of Articles section for the month of April 2017. He has won INR 1200/- cash prize.
Apr, 2017 Ahmedsa
Appreciation N/A Rs. 500/- Appreciation for asking maximum number of quality questions in the Forums section for the month of March 2017. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 500/-
Apr, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 650/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of March 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 650/- cash.
Apr, 2017 Rajnilari2015
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 510/- N/A Runner up Winner for the Codes section for the month of March 2017. He has won cash prize of INR 510/-.
Apr, 2017 Amatya
Winner Rs. 400/- N/A Winner for the Codes section for the month of March 2017. He has won cash prize of INR 400/-.
Apr, 2017 Amatya
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 280/- N/A Runner up Winner of Interviews section for the month of March 2017. He has won INR 280 cash prize.
Apr, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 350/- N/A Winner of Interviews section for the month of March 2017. He has won INR 350 cash prize.
Apr, 2017 Ahteshamax
RunnerUpWinner Rs. 600/- N/A Runner up Winner of Articles section for the month of March 2017. He has won INR 600/- cash prize.
Apr, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 1500/- N/A Winner of Articles section for the month of March 2017. He has won INR 1500/- cash prize.
Mar, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 350/- N/A Winner of Codes section for the month of February 2017. He has won INR 350/- cash prize.
Mar, 2017 Ahmedsa
RunnerUpWinner N/A Rs. 500/- Appreciation for asking maximum number of questions in the Forums section for the month of February 2017. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 500/-
Mar, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 450/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of February 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 450/- cash.
Mar, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 1700/- N/A Winner of Articles section for the month of February 2017. He has won INR 1700/- cash prize.
Feb, 2017 Jayakumars
Appreciation N/A Rs. 500/- Appreciation for asking maximum number of questions in the Forums section for the month of January 2017. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 500/-.
Feb, 2017 Amatya
Winner Rs. 100/- N/A Winner of Codes section for the month of January 2017. He has won INR 100/- cash prize.
Feb, 2017 A2H
Winner Rs. 350/- N/A Winner of Forums section for the month of January 2017 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 350/- cash.
Feb, 2017 Ahteshamax
Winner Rs. 450/- N/A Winner of Articles section for the month of January 2017. He has won INR 450/- cash prize.
Jan, 2017 Kasani007
Appreciation N/A Rs. 500/- Appreciation for asking maximum number of questions in the Forums section for the month of December 2016. He has won jQuery How to Tips & Tricks from worth 500/-.
Jan, 2017 Rajnilari2015
Winner Rs. 100/- N/A RunnerUp Winner of Forums section for the month of December 2016 (more number of responses marked as answered). He has won INR 100/- cash.

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