Looking for career advice in Hadoop after 3.5 years of experience in .net

By Shrepal Shrepal Points: 65 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 8/25/2015 11:05:40 AM | Views: 22327 | Points: 30

I am 3.5 years of experience in ASP.NET with c#, little VB.NET, and MVC 4 and 5. I want to add one more demanding skill in my career. I just want to know should I learn Hadoop for a better career growth. If yes, then how to do self learning of Hadoop?

Sheo's Advice on Sunday, December 6, 2015 :
Hi Shrepal,

Thanks for asking your career question.

Congratulations that you have updated yourself to ASP.NET MVC 4 and then 5. I think for any .net developer this is the way forward. ASP.NET Web form is hardly in demand now and most of the .NET applications are being developed in ASP.NET MVC now.

Instead of drastically moving your career to Hadoop and similar technologies, I would suggest you to learn the technologies and frameworks that would work as a bonus with your current abilities such as JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, KnockoutJs etc. Even there is huge demand of a plain vanilla JavaScript if you know it extensively. HTML5, CSS3 are all time favorite and this is going to help in your career in next many years to come as these are hardly going to change. Combinations of all these are in high demand these days, particularly JavaScript frameworks are on all time high demand and this demand is going to sustain as these are client side development.

Learning Hadoop and other similar technologies will make you beginners in these jobs and you would have to struggle again to learn them from scratch and will take time to become experienced. 

If you are very much interested in Hadoop and similar technologies, of course you can do this however consider all above points and learn it in part time.

Hope these suggestions would guide you in right direction.


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