Need advice to choose between career paths

By AmrutaK AmrutaK Points: 250 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 11/24/2014 8:00:02 AM | Views: 2089 | Points: 30
Hi Team,

I am .Net developer having total experience of 4 years in MNC.
I have worked on ASP.Net 3.5,WCF,AJAX,JQuery,Javascript,SQL Server 2005/2008,C#.

Currently I am working as Lead at project level for small team(team size 4).
I like coding also but sometimes I feel to follow management path by doing some certification and study.

Please advice me on how should I proceed with my career.

Venkatmanohar's Advice on Thursday, November 27, 2014 :
Dear Amrut,

Based on your email you are at right facet in your career. As you are having 4 years of experience focusing on both management and technical aspect would help to sharpen your career.

Please start focusing on the technologies and put your 40-50% effort on coding and the rest on management activities. It is too early for you to start working on certifications.. When you gain around 6+ years experience you can focus on these certification which will help to boost your career. Till then be a hands on person to maintain the touch and also practice management.

Hope this helps.


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