another question for my career advice to Mr.Manohar

By jprathap jprathap Points: 595 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 1/1/2015 3:40:42 AM | Views: 2230 | Points: 30
Manohar sir ! i completed B.COM(CS)and then i completed MCA , so i am not came from computer background ,if i finish wcf,wpf,javascript course , if have any possibility to get the job or not.pls tell a truth.

Venkatmanohar's Advice on Thursday, January 1, 2015 :
Dear Prathap,

If you have completed MCA then you have computer background during your education period. Do not think abut your BCom and no one consider your graduation degree as you have Masters degree in computer with you. Please go ahead with full confidence as suggested.


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