Which job to choose ?

By rajass22 rajass22 Points: 345 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 1/2/2015 6:07:10 AM | Views: 3035 | Points: 30
Hi i am .NET developer with 2 years of exp. i am having two offers . first offer i got from MNC they offered salary less than my expectation. Also i got offer in middle level company. They offered salary that i expected. Which one to choose . I am confused . Is it good to choose based on company or salary ? Please advice ?

Venkatmanohar's Advice on Friday, January 2, 2015 :

Happy New Year. MNC: Might be because the brand that they have would have offered you less salary. Usually any MNC offers high salary only. In MNCs you can't grow at a faster rate.

Mid Level Company: You are happy with Salary. Here if you are a hard working person you can grow pretty faster with your skills, attitude and the way you take up ownership. Always mid level companies will provide growth opportunities.

In both cases, please analyze the role that they are giving to you and also the scope of work. Based on that you can decide. In long run people will give importance for the work that you have done but not based on the package.


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