Regarding technology

By Apn Apn Points: 170 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 3/17/2015 10:26:50 PM | Views: 2393 | Points: 30
I'm working in software firm since one year. I got trained in dotnet but they gave me mainframes. I'm interested to work in dotnet so will it be possible to get job in another firm with one year experience. Please let me know.

Venkatmanohar's Advice on Monday, March 23, 2015 :

It is slightly difficult to get the job with 1 year experience. Completely depends on how strong you are on technical side. Please request your company to keep you in .NET project only and give an assurance that you will work hard and exceed their expectations. Give it a try.


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Comments or Responses

Posted by: Amatya on: 5/15/2015 | Level:Silver | Status: [Member] | Points: 25
Change is the Law of Life.. Thats why software engineer has to update and learn in changing world

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