Dear Sir,
I had 4 year experierence as software developer, monstly of my experience was in microosft technology(vb,, C#, asp,
Due to recession i was released from the project, so since from last 8 month i am working as technical faculty & training co ordinator with an Engineering institute in my hometown.
My prime intreset in IT Industry.
Please help me what type of stretegy should i choose to search a suitable job in IT Industry.
Will experience in Enggo. Instuitue as Technical Faulty play a negtaive role in my professional IT career.
I am struggling very much , i need your valuabe guielines.
thanks & regards
Sanjay Sharma
Sainath's Advice on Friday, March 05, 2010 :
Hi Sanjay,
A lot of people are facing this problem. While it goes without saying that it is only real development experience that will help you regain a job as a developer - circumstances can leave us with few options but to take up whatever work is available. What also matters is not just DURATION of experience but also QUALITY of experience.Experience as a faculty will not necessarily have a negative impact, but it will not give a positive boost either. More than strategy, I would say that volume of activity is important, enough action.
I can suggest the following actions:
- Scan the job sites and list down the skills which are in maximum demand
- Identify the 1 skill which will add maximum value to your CV - also ensure that you have a strong interest in the same
- Start working on mastering this 1 skill - put a deadline to this goal
- Try to complete a certification in the same
- See if you can also use the same in your training classes
- Apply for available openings and evaluate response, take corrective action
Trust me, if you are engaging in enough action, you will have no time to get depressed and keep going up and down on the emotional roller-coaster.Also keep working on some example project (there are many good projects on the Microsoft site) to ensure that you do not lose your hard-earned skills. So please start moving !!!
Sainath Sherigar,
Sanjaysharma83 said on Saturday, April 17, 2010
Dear Sir,
if i registered with for availing resume development & resume display, is this services is so muchbeneficial ?
Please guide me