Need advice on career change after 2.5 years of break

By SoniaChacko SoniaChacko Points: 90 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 10/20/2015 1:04:56 PM | Views: 4309 | Points: 30
I am a B.Tech graduate in IT with 2.5 years .net development experience with an MNC and on career break since Feb 2013 for child care as well as change in location. I don't enjoy coding from beginning and wanted a change always.Now after the break I find it difficult to get a job in good company. Kindly advice on what other options I have in software which doesn't involve much coding.I want to be back to work immediately.

Sheo's Advice on Monday, November 2, 2015 :
Hi Sonia,

Thanks for asking question. You have around 2.5 years of break in career and previously 2.5 years of .net development experience. If you would have really worked well, you should have handsome working experience working on .net technologies.

If you do not enjoy coding, you can opt for testing, business analyst or HR related jobs. Good company looks for good people having better working experience, so mold as per their requirement.

Learn some testing tools or testing methodology, as you have prior .net development experience so that will work as a bonus for your employer and you may become a better tester as you would see the application from developer point of view also.

I would suggest if you do not like development, testing can be another career option for you.

Thanks and good luck.

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