It is right time to leave my current project where i am working more than 2 years

By spvarapu spvarapu Points: 0 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 3/21/2010 5:54:52 AM | Views: 2421

I am working in a MNC company on .Net technologies. I am having 6+ years experience.
My currently project is on Windows, and i am working on this project from last 2 years. Currently i am doing very well but i am missing with latest technologies and having interest to work on Web application. Please suggest me what i have to do? Shall i continue with this project and learn new things in .net or ask for release?

Thanks in advance

Kapil's Advice on Saturday, March 27, 2010 :


It is natural to get restless after working in project for 2 years. It seems like everybody other me is working on a latest technologies... "Grass on the other side seems greener".

However, that is not the case. There is new technologies to learn even in .Net. .Net has come up with .Net 4.0 now. In fact you must after working 6 years.. move in higher responsibilites of designing, leading, architecting. You should explore Web technolgies if lack it, uage of WPF, WWF, WCF and their application.

Goal should be to move higher into responsibilites, technologies will keep coming and you can definately handle other if you have handled one. Plan accordingly...

Spvarapu said on Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thank you Kapil. I will improve my skills in .net technologies. Project may go in maintenance and may not have chance to grow in designing and architecting. I have decided to release .


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