How can i know the technical terms asked in Dot net interview questions ,because i know to work on it,but not able explain abt it.

By nav234 nav234 Points: 730 | Level: Starter | Status: [Member]
Posted on: 6/1/2010 1:06:39 AM | Views: 7600
Hi all ,
i got 3 yrs exp in dot net ,currently looking for job in the same field.
Since i worked in a small company ,i was not able to know abt technical
terms given or terminologies.Hence while attending Interviews in big
MNC's ,i face problems.

For Example , "In my current company ,i might hav worked with Patterns ,
But in the interviews if they ask me abt Patterns ,im blank.Like i did not worked
Procedurelly in my old company,following a structure,tat might be reason for this,not

How can i get rid of this problem.So can any1 help me on this issue.

Thanks in advance.


Rajesh's Advice on Tuesday, June 01, 2010 :
This is one of the common problems that programmers/developers face.  We are so grossly engrossed in our work that we tend to neglect the little things that matter most like the design principles, patterns, approaches etc until we are hit. 

First Things First.  Get a good grasp on the fundamentals.  Revise, read blogs, checkout opensource projects, read good books, view video tutorials...

See there are so many options.  Just find some time to act (I am not sounding harsh, but putting down the facts).

I am outlining some of the important areas where every developer should excel
- The Project understanding on which they are working
- Design Principles and Patterns used in the current project
- Good knowledge of OO principles (refer SOLID principles - google it)
- SDLC Concepts
- Unit Testing / Integration Testing
- Roles Vs. Responsibilities
- Basic Code review/ code quality check
- etc...

There are excellent websites/blogs which covers this area such as
- (for design patterns)

Besides Shiv has an excellent series on what you are looking for at (NOTE : This is not an advertisement, but his site is really good for brushing up some of the basics and advanced concepts)

Hope this helps.

Nav234 said on Sunday, June 06, 2010

Thank you so much ,

I have started attending as many interviews as i can and gain some
knowledge and sharpen my skills.

Thanks & regards


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